My Story and Journey

Tim Sorady – Sumter County


My story begins in the early morning of 16 November 2020, as I was riding my motorcycle to work.  A 2017 Harley Trike with just over 5,200 miles on it.  As I rode barely five miles from home, a truck turned left in front of me.  Unable to stop, or avoid the truck, I hit it.  I flew off the bike landing on my face.

I was blessed as an off-duty EMS worker was right behind me.  Also, the nearest fire station was only a quarter mile away.  They began working on me quickly, while someone was calling my wife, who arrived at the scene a short time later.

Transported to ORMC Trauma, I have since learned that I was revived three times and received seven blood transfusions.  I was not expected to survive the accident.

According to my wife, I was aware of what happened and easily answered questions, though I do not remember anything from this time.  My injuries included broken ribs, left eye socket, both arms, pelvis, fractured vertebrae, and damage to my heart.

Two days after the accident, my wife received a call requesting permission to perform brain surgery to relieve pressure on my brain.  By this time, my brain was coming through my left eye.  As a result of the surgery, there are three plates in my head and a large scar.

It was almost three months before I began to remember what was happening. The three months prior were mostly lost; I did not even remember leaving my home.

I was in a total of seven different facilities over ten months.  I was a quadriplegic, with one doctor telling me I would never get out of bed.  A second doctor told this to my wife.

Once I began to remember things, I began telling my wife I would be ok and be home in a few weeks.  She would try to bring me to reality, but I would not listen.  Unfortunately, my rehabilitation did not start for almost seven months.  By this time many of my muscles had atrophied and lost any strength I had.  But I would never give up.  I remember the first day sitting in a chair.  I needed to be hoisted from the bed and placed there using a sling. Clergy came in and we talked.  Before I knew it a few hours passed.  I was being lifted at times to help me sit and strengthen my core muscles.  I was sometimes put in a harness to hoist me up, and begin putting weight on my legs.

I was moved to another facility where I would get a little more therapy. They worked on moving my arms, hands, and fingers.  I was put in a special chair to help put weight on my legs.  There was little progress by the time I left there.  This is when the second doctor had the discussion with my wife about me being bed bound.

In August 2021, I was moved to another facility, an inpatient rehab.  At first, they were not going to accept me, however, my wife intervened and spoke to a doctor.  The doctor finally relented.  Shortly after arrival, the doctor came to my room.  She explained that the reason I was accepted was the intervention of Lori.  My records indicated that no progress would be made.  However, my determination proved otherwise.  The doctor told me because of this they will be changing the method cases are reviewed and people are accepted.

The facility provided two hours of therapy each day.  I began learning to transfer into my wheelchair.  By building my core muscles, I was soon lifting myself to a sitting position in bed.  Therapy included moving of my limbs, sit-ups, and learning to take care of myself.  This facility was to only be two weeks, but of course I became sick with a respiratory infection and needed to stay for an extra week.  By the time I left, I was taking short walks using a walker with elevated extensions because of a lack of arm use.

Shortly after coming home, I became tired of being fed.  I designed a tool to use to feed myself.  That was my Christmas present to myself.

I continued outpatient therapy learning to walk again and strengthen muscles.  After a few months at home and therapy, I was beginning to take small walks on my own, no walker. I continued therapy on my hands and arms for four years.  I have regained some function in both arms and my fingers.  To this day, I continue therapy on my own to improve.

I do go back to see people that played a role in my recovery to show the progress being made.  I believe it also shows them that the work they are doing changes lives.  During one visit, I was asked if I would be doing all I do now if the accident did not occur.

From all that was learned in my life, things happened for a reason and God spared my life for a purpose.  I became involved with Brain Injury Florida after hearing all the hardships my wife went through in trying to find resources.  I work on some committees, the Brain Injury Information Line, as well as the State Brain Injury Advisory Board.