BIF seeks to implement our mission through the activities of the Board of Directors and
a strong contingent of volunteers, who are regularly meeting and working in the
following Committees:

Conference and Education Committee – contact
Plans, organizes, and implements an annual conference and other educational activities throughout Florida and throughout the year
Information & Referral Committee – contact
Develops and runs our Brain Injury Information Line (BIIL). Builds and updates the BIF database to organize all known Florida brain injury resources. Develops volunteer job description, recruits, and trains BIIL volunteers
Fundraising Committee – contact
Develops 10 for 10K Campaign asking 10 organizations to contribute $10K each to establish our new organization. Organizes Harley Davidson Rides, and Walk/Run/Rolls throughout FL
Social Media Committee – contact
Develops and maintains BIF’s website/facebook/Instagram pages. Regularly posts on
social media
Advocacy – contact
The Florida Brain Injury Coalition is a collaborative effort by Brain Injury Florida (BIF), the University of Florida Brain Injury, Rehabilitation, and NeuroResilience Center, and Disability Rights Florida (DRF), as well as persons who have experienced Acquired Brain Injury and family members.
The Coalition has joined with members of the Florida Senate and House of Representatives to form Brain Injury Legislative Caucuses in both chambers. The Caucuses promote issues of importance to the 899,924 Floridians dealing with the challenges of living with an Acquired Brain Injury.
Volunteer Inquiry