Events for December 20, 2024


Earn Your Concussion Certificate

Understanding Concussion: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Approaches is a new certificate course offered through the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists. Designed for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of concussion-related issues, this course identifies core topics associated with concussion identification, treatment, and management. It offers an overview of concussion symptoms, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment approaches and is designed for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their foundational understanding of concussion-related issues. Register here.

CBIS Virtual Training Event

Interested in earning your CBIS certification? Sign up for our CBIS Certification Prep Bundle! This exclusive all-in-one package includes access to: Virtual live CBIS training sessions led by Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainers on February 12, 19, and 26, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET CBIS application fee A hardcover copy of the new Essential Brain Injury Guide 6.0 and study companion workbook One-year subscription to the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation This training program is designed to equip participants with knowledge to enhance the quality of care for people with brain injuries. Register here.

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