My Brain Injury Journey

Survivor Story – Philip Romano


I feel that my story is not about my injury. The story of my injury is the most boring thing ever I was going to the store to get eggs and I got run over by a car. The most interesting part of the story to me is that when the EMS arrived, I was conscious and sitting on the hood of the car that hit me. I then told them that I was fine and since I lived six blocks away, would just walk home and call them  if I felt worse, of course they insisted on taking me to [...]

Survivor Story – Philip Romano2025-03-12T00:12:06-04:00

Survivor Story – Anna Pope


  Anna Pope 03.11.2025 Brain Injury Awareness 2025 October 24, 2010 Hello! My name is Anna. I am a very severe Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor. I acquired my brain injury from a vehicle accident I was involved in wile I was a passenger in a truck on October 24, 2010. This accident occurred after a wedding, a best friend’s wedding, I attended with a friend, ex-boyfriend. This friend and I were no longer dating but agreed to go to our friend’s wedding together. I have been told the wedding was beautiful, but I do not remember any of the wedding. I [...]

Survivor Story – Anna Pope2025-03-12T00:10:06-04:00

Survivor Story – Peter Shepis


As part of Brain Injury Awareness Month, we will be bringing you stories of courage, and perseverance from those with lived experience of a brain injury.  Our first comes from Peter Shepis MS, CRC, CWIC.  He has overcome his life, and now helps others overcome adversity. Here is Peter's story:   I work for the Florida Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) as a Program Administrator for Adult Services. Before moving to Florida, I worked in mental health in Arizona for six years. In 2014, I became a community partner work incentives counselor (CWIC) from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). This [...]

Survivor Story – Peter Shepis2025-03-10T18:11:18-04:00
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