Getting the Right Treatment at the Right Time is Critical
Getting a prompt and accurate brain injury diagnosis is important to getting the right treatment at the right time. Anytime a brain injury is suspected, the person or a family member should call 911, go to the emergency room, or contact a physician immediately. After an impact or injury to the head, an individual can experience a variety of symptoms, which can help diagnose a brain injury.
Some common symptoms include, altered or loss of consciousness, headache, confusion, problems with coordination, vision problems (including blurred vision or seeing double, not tolerating bright light), dizziness, problems with balance, difficulty with moving parts of the body, and difficulty with thinking skills (like memory problems, poor judgment, poor attention span, slowed processing speed), among others.

A Prompt and Accurate Diagnosis is Critical
Brain injury is going to look different in each person, depending on their pre-injury functioning, the areas of the brain affected, and the severity of the injury. For those with moderate to severe brain injury, this could be the start of a lifelong disease process. Moderate to severe brain injury requires access to a full continuum of treatment and community-based supports provided by appropriately trained clinicians who may be part of an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary team.
The person who sustains the brain injury and their family are the most important members of the treatment team. Their interests, choices, goals, and backgrounds must always be taken into consideration in treatment planning – this is called “person-centered” treatment planning.
It is also important for people who sustain mild brain injury to receive proper diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner. Undiagnosed brain injury can lead to other life problems, such as dropping out of school, unemployment, loss of relationships, homelessness, substance misuse, behavioral health problems, domestic violence, and/or justice involvement. Appropriate brain injury rehabilitation treatment provided at the right time can help people get back to productive and satisfying roles in their life.
CDC Tips for Preventing Brain Injury